“Berry’s commitment to lead on gun safety legislation stood out, and she was the only candidate who said she wouldn’t respond to the massive statewide budget crisis by voting to impose austerity measures next session…Vote Berry.”
“Berry’s experience and strong support from progressive advocates make her the best choice in this race.”
“In a field of impressive candidates who have stepped up to serve our community in the legislature this year, there is one who stands out from the crowd: Liz Berry. During my time in Olympia, I had the pleasure of working with Liz and witnessed firsthand her passion and commitment to securing necessary change. She is the progressive champion we need in the legislature to protect workers, expand health care coverage, and rebuild our economy in a way that puts workers and families first.“
“With Rep. Gael Tarleton running for Secretary of State, it’s essential we fill her seat with an experienced leader who will fight for the issues we care about most in the 36th District. We have big challenges ahead of us next legislative session. Liz Berry is the best person to join me to fight for our progressive values next year.”
State Senator Mona Das
State Senator Patty Kuderer
State Senator Marko Liias
State Senator Rebecca Saldaña
State Representative Lauren Davis
State Representative Beth Doglio
State Representative Laurie Dolan
State Representative Mia Gregerson
State Representative Zack Hudgins
State Representative Christine Kilduff
State Representative Shelley Kloba
State Representative Nicole Macri
State Representative Lillian Ortiz-Self
State Representative Eric Pettigrew
State Representative Tana Senn
State Representative Vandana Slatter
State Representative Emily Wicks
King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci
King County Councilmember Joe McDermott
Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes
Seattle City Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez
Seattle City Councilmember Debora Juarez
Seattle City Councilmember Tammy Morales
Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda
Seattle School Board President Zachary DeWolf
Seattle School Board Member Leslie Harris
Seattle School Board Member Lisa Rivera Smith
Seattle Port Commissioner Stephanie Bowman
Former U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks
Former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords
Former U.S. Rep. Ron Barber
Washington State Supreme Court Justice (ret.) Faith Ireland
Former Washington State Insurance Commissioner Deborah Senn
Former State Senate Democratic Majority Leader Sharon K. Nelson
Former State Senator Kathleen Drew
Former State Representative Jessyn Farrell
Former State Representative Kristine Reeves
Former State Representative Laura Ruderman
Former State Representative Brady Walkinshaw
Former Seattle Port Commissioner Courtney Gregoire
Former Mercer Island Mayor Debbie Bertlin
Former Seattle Deputy Mayor Hyeok Kim
Kirkland Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold
Mercer Island Deputy Mayor Wendy Weiker
Edmonds City Council President Adrienne Fraley-Monillas
Redmond City Councilmember Vanessa Kritzer
Renton City Councilmember Kim-Khánh Van
Sedro-Woolley City Councilmember Karl De Jong
NARAL Pro-Choice WA Executive Directors Karen Cooper, Lauren B. Simonds, MSW, and Tiffany Hankins
National Women’s Political Caucus of WA Presidents Emily Wicks, Maggie Humphreys, and Samantha Casne
Dawn Bennett, Washington’s Paramount Duty
Jason Bennett, Former Chair, 36th District Democrats
Debi Boyette, Owner, Le Merde
John Braseth, Owner, Woodside/Braseth Gallery
John Burbank, Executive Director, Economic Opportunity Institute
Brian Burns, Owner, Complete Automotive
Jeffrey M. Cohen, Former candidate for the State House in LD 36 (2020)
Niomi Fisseha Drake, Ethiopian community leader
Nicole Gomez, Chair, 36th District Democrats
Alison Holcomb, Campaign Manager, Initiative-502
Dana Laurent, Former Political Director, 36th District Democrats
Jeff Manson, Former Chair, 36th District Democrats
Cary Moon, community activist
Amy Nelson, Founder & CEO, The Riveter
Nikolas Palladino, Owner, Phinney Ridge Painting
Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Co-Founder & CEO, MomsRising
Isaac Ruiz, Former Co-Chair, Seattle Community Police Commission
Shaun Scott, community activist
David Shulman, President, Seattle Film Institute
Tarra Simmons, criminal justice reform advocate
Summer Stinson, Co-Founder, Washington’s Paramount Duty and Policy Director, 36th District Democrats
Summer Trisler, Owner, Sunshine Music Together
Diane Aboulafia
Ken Albinger
Theo Angell
Mallory Allen
Nic Bacetich
Lesley Bain
Justin Baird
Nikhil Bavariya
Lincoln Beauregard
Neil Beaver
Lindsay Belden
David Beninger
Pam Benjamin
Gilad Berenstein
Gail Bergeron
Page Berry
Nelson Berry
Rudi Bertschi
Ian Birk
Amanda Bishop
Alec Block
Kami Bohlinger
Keith Bolling
Julia Bonnheim
Jeff Boyd
Ed Bridge
Jon Bridge
Lisa Bridge
Marc Bridge
Pam Bridge
Zach Bridge
Hanna Brooks Olsen
Josh Brothers
Alex Brown
Nicholas Brown
Ben Brysacz
Ed Budge
Julie Burg
Anne Burkland
Darcy Burner
Bradley Burns
Leah Burns
Jessica Cafferty
Daniel Cairns
Allegra Calder
Shaun Callahan
Jennifer Cannon-Unione
Melissa Carter
Samuel Casne
Martha Casne
Michael Charbonneau
Amber Christiansen
Cat Clark
Isabel Cole
Kevin Coluccio
Kathy Comfort
Chris Comte
Jackie Cook
Patrick Cook
Ashleigh Corker
Jamaica Corker
Suone Cotner
Tim Cottrell
Jordan Couch
Heather Cover
Sara Crumb
David Crump
Lauren Currin
Jane Dale
Paneen Davidson
Susan Davis
Ian De Verna
Maria Diamond
Will Dixon
Enrico Doan
Abigail Doerr
Jeffrey Donchez
Mercedes Donchez
Rob Dolin
Amanda DuBois
Colleen Durkin Peterson
Jessica Duthie
Pamela Eakes
Stephanie Ellis-Smith
Jennifer Estroff
Tara Eubanks
Emily Evans
Lisa Fain
LaKecia Farmer
Brad Feit
Catherine Fleming
Kelby Fletcher
Donovan Flora
Carol Ford
Katrina Fortney
Steve Fortney
Howard Fox
Alex French
Jordan Friedman
Sergio Garcidueñas-Sease
Maria Gargiulo
Charles Gautier
Judi Gibbs
Melissa Gilbert
Edie Gillis
Trevor Giove
Kathy Goater
Gary Goldbaum
Adam Goldstein
Aaron Good
Leah Graybill
Alison Green
Jordin Green
Carly Grimes
Katie Gunderson
Sandro Gvelesiani
Liz Hall
Kevin Hamilton
Esther Handy
Emily Hansen
John Hardie
Mary Hardon
Deva Hasson
Orin Hasson
Brian Hayden
Gerad Hayward
Sara Hayward
Christie Hedman
Paige Heggie
Eleanor Heyrich
Beverley Hill
Michael Hill
Randy Hill
Stephen Hill
Amy Hooey
Lem Howell
Lynn Hubbard
Dmitri Iglitzin
Cierra Jack
Jay Jack
Nick Jackal
Joseph James
Travis Jameson
Shweta Jayawardhan
Collin Jergens
Lauren Jiloty
Mark Johnson
Amy Johnston
Drew Johnston
EJ Juarez
Larry Kahn
Negheen Kamkar
Aviva Kamm
Nicole Vallestero Keenan-Lai
Amy Kelman
Monika Kennedy
Dylan Kilpatric
Karen Koehler
Andrew Koerber
Joe Koplin
Nan Knitter-Jack
Kayti Knudsen
Ty Kreft
Martin J. Kreshon, III
Darrick Kung
Dr. Kate Lamperti
Elizabeth Larter
Tammi Laster
Dan Laurence
Cindi Laws
Edward K. Le
Nick Lepore
Mark Lindquist
Beth Lindsay
Laura Loe
Sara Longley
Judith Lonnquist
Erna Lund
Ann Madsen
Cisco Malpartida Smith
Toby Marshall
Joey Massa
Marcel McCants
Lisa McShane
Betsylew Miale-Gix
Casey Mochel
Erica Mohler
Catherine Morrison
Katie Monin
Joseph Moore
Bruce Moss
Jennifer Rust Murray
Rene Murry
Mike Nelson
Todd Nichols
Dr. Molly Niedermeyer
Ben Nivison
Ilani Nurick
Barbara Oakrock
David O’Connor
Dr. Kerry O’Neill
Dan Osias
Mary Ann Ottinger
Kimber Parker
Susan Padfield
Jackson Pahlke
Sam Pailca
Stephen Paolini
Joseph Peha
John Peick
David Perez
Jan Eric Peterson
Mark Peterson
Mark Prentice
Isobel Press
Bryan Prince-Olsen
Gabriela Quintana
David Ratcliff
Roz Ray
Hardeep Rekhi
Allen Ressler
Celia Rivera
Julie Robinson
Tony Robinson
Denise Rodriguez
Becky Roe
Katie Rogers
Rick Rogovy
Kasha Rogovy
Barbara Rosen
Sidney Royer
Majken Ryherd
Jeff Sbaih
Mark Scalzo
Celia Schorr
Molly Schwartz
Kiana Scott
Nancy Scott
Shireen Shahrivar
Charlotte Shannon
Larry Shannon
Faith Sheridan
Tracy Sherman
Misty Shock Rule
Frank Shoichet
Elizabeth Siegel
Jan Simonds
Emma Spickard
Jeff Sprung
Mary Sprute
Deborah Stewart
Ian Stewart
Lara Sukol
Jim Sweeney
Teresa Sweeney
Beth Terrell
Laurel Thacker
Brianna Thomas
Lee Thomas
John Tirpak
Abbe Tolzmann
Blake Trask
Dr. Diane Tung
Alexis Turla
Henry Underhill
Rafael Urquia
Bill Van Valkenburg
Karin Van Valkenburg
Jonathan Van Eck
Damisi Velasquez
Vicky Vreeland
Jim Vucinovich
Christine Wakefield Nichols
Patrick Walker
Nathan Wall
Kathleen Wareham
John Webber
Charles Webster
Cydney Campbell Webster
Jane Weiss
Libby Welsh
Stephanie Wenglikowski
Sims Weymuller
Mike Whaley
Carol White
Elizabeth White
Jonathan Winemiller
Michael Withey
Adam Zukor
Pamela Zytnicki