The Proudest Moment of Our Campaign
It is hard to find hope and optimism when every day we hear another story about the devastating impacts of COVID-19. The unemployment rate in our state is expected to hit 15% by the end of the month. One million of our friends and family are facing financial uncertainty. My heart breaks for those families, and I count my blessings every day.
But we also experience moments of hope and witness selfless acts from the undisputed heroes of the pandemic. These hardworking superstars work around the clock to make sure we have food on our tables and take care of our state’s most vulnerable populations.
It is humbling that thousands of our state’s healthcare workers, childcare providers, grocery workers, nursing home workers, and home healthcare workers have put their faith in me to protect their rights and represent their interests in the legislature. Receiving the sole-endorsement of the five labor unions that represent more than 150,000 of our state’s bravest frontline workers is the proudest moment of the campaign.

Getting people back to work and shoring up our broken economy will be my top priorities in the legislature. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us on this in the months and years to come. I am prepared and ready to advocate for workers – our friends, family, neighbors – in Olympia next year.
Be well. Be safe. We are all in this together.